Gedit editor is the default text editor on Ubuntu and generally distributions based on the GNOME desktop environment. Many Linux users may ...
Gedit editor is the default text editor on Ubuntu and generally distributions based on the GNOME desktop environment. Many Linux users may underestimate the gedit editor and its capabilities and its great power to edit texts. And they classify it as weak editor but Linux specialists and programmers have another view.
Gedit editor for programmers on Linux
Gedit is the favorite text editor for programmers On Ubuntu and based Linux Distros. In addition to the good features which the editor gedit brings by default we can add some Add-Ons to make gedit a distinct programming tool. So in this tutorial I will teach you how to install complements or plugins on Gedit for programmers on Linux.
Gedit editor as the default text editor for GNOME desktop environment
So, as I said in the introduction of this article, Gedit is the text editor by default for Linux distributions based on the GNOME desktop environment like Ubuntu OS. On Ubuntu OS we can find Gedit in the list of programs under the name of Text Editor.
Depending on the opened file extension (type or format like .c , .txt , .html , .js , .css , .o , .rar , etc) Gedit editor shows us the text properly with colors and tabs.
As we see above in the Menu section View → Highlight Mode we can choose how to show the text with the proper programming language style.
How to install and add the most important Plugins for programmers on Gedit editor
In the Ubuntu software library (Ubuntu Software Center) we can insall the most important Gedit Add-Ons for programmers on Linux. Simply, we can search from the input about "gedit-plugins" and find the package then install it. For other Linux distributions we do the same thing in their own software centers.
After installation, we must activate the extensions that have been added on gedit. For that we enter the same Gedit program and from the Menu section we choose Edit → Preferences. Then selecting the Plugins section we can see and activate all or some of the added add-ons to Gedit.
On the official GNOME website we can find a special add-ons for Gedit. Many of these addons are programmed and designed by the team of GNOME but you can also find another extensions programed by other developers of the free software community.